Core Development Status

We won't show the history of the last 2 years but only the current dev situation.

Q4 2024:

Scoring Platform:

Insurance modules & A.I model are the latest modules to be completed

Planning | Development (95%) | Testing | Completed

Scanner Code Queue System Priority:

We are using 4 different queues to prioritize company scanning & remediation processing according to user package subscription.

Planning | Development | Testing | Completed

Demo Platform:

It's a demo platform using for user to test our features on a specific company

Planning | Development | Testing | Completed

Automated cybersecurity news incident scrapping & Assignment system:

We automate the processing of news talking about cyber accidents impacting companies. The challenge is to retrieve the news, process the information using NLP, detect the type of attack, give severity and impact ratings and assign the right linkedin ID in an automated way.

Planning | Development | Testing | Completed

Registration process:

For specific packages, like the monitoring package where we display the discovered vulnerabilities, we only authorize individuals with an email address associated with the DNS of the target company or its sub-entities to purchase these packages.

Planning | Development | Testing | Completed

Search Engine product UI v0.1:

Our aim is to create a search engine similar to Shodan/Censys. The 1st step is to create the U.I. part.

Planning | Development | Testing | Completed

CVE Product UI v0.1:

Our aim is to create a CVE search engine. The 1st step is to create the U.I. part.

Planning | Development | Testing | Completed

Migration from Azure to Dedicated Servers.

Our aim is to reduce our infrastructure cost while increase our Infrastructure workload.

Planning | Development | Testing | Completed


Allow Monitoring & Underwriter products to be fully API compatible.

An automated pipeline that regenerates the global Swagger file (API documentation) and deploys new functions to our FaaS platform whenever a new function is committed to Git.

Planning | Development (90%) | Testing | Completed

Q1 2025:

CVE Product initial stage

Migrating CVE UI 0.1 on CVE server for CVE product development.

Planning | Development | Testing | Completed

Global Enhancement

Cookie Management system integration on website for compliance with GDPR etc...

Planning | Development | Testing | Completed

Slack Chat system for enhancing visitor & sales experience

Planning | Development | Testing | Completed

SEO enhancement

Increase SEO visibility with backlinks generating system

Planning | Development | Testing | Completed

Report Management System

Providing Report (Whitepaper/Article/Policies...) on multiple topics (Underwriter/Cyber)

Planning | Development (60%)| Testing | Completed

CVE Product deployed and available for purchase

Creating the product with integration in our purchasing plans

Planning | Development | Testing | Completed

Q2 2025:

RAG A.I Underwriter Agent

Create A.I Agent to help underwriter to build contracts for their customers

Planning | Development | Testing | Completed

Search Engine Product intial stage

Create Search Engine Servers with DevOps pipeline

Planning | Development | Testing | Completed

Migrating Search Engine product UI v0.1 on Search Engine servers for CVE product development.

Planning | Development | Testing | Completed

Last updated